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7 easy ways to teach kids to save water

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Diana Adjadj
Diana Nadim is a writer and editor who has a Master degree in Marketing.


  • 7 easy ways to teach kids to save water

The habits that kids adopt in their early childhood can stay in their lives forever. This is the chance to teach kids valuable lessons such as saving water. People’s harmful ways have led to water pollution and climate change. The water supply is finite and we don’t have an endless supply. Not to mention that only 3% of the water is freshwater. Since 2% of it is locked in glaciers and ice that leaves us with only 1% that is available for drinking.

Water is one of the Earth's most important resources. Using water wisely will help conserve water for future generations. Building this awareness in kids can make a huge difference since they are the ones on whom the world depends on. If you are determined to teach the kids to save water, this is what you can do.

1. Read Them Books about Water

Instead of the typical princesses and knights stories, let them enjoy books about water. Simple things like that can make them look at the world differently.

Here are some books about water that are suitable for children:

Water Wow! A Visual Exploration (by Paula Ayer and Antonia Banyard)

What On Earth?: Water: Explore, create and investigate (by Isabel Thomas)

The Water Princess (by Susan Verde)

A Drop in the Ocean: The Story of Water, Science Works (by Jacqui Bailey)

A Drop Around the World (by Barbara McKinney)

Enough Water?: A Guide to What We Have and How We Use It (by Steve Conrad)

Water Is Water: A Book About the Water Cycle (by Miranda Paul)

Explore Water!: 25 Great Projects, Activities, Experiments - Explore Your World (by Anita Yasuda)

These books can spark their interest and motivate them to start looking at the use of water differently.

2. Turn off the Faucet Tightly

Whether they are brushing their teeth or washing their face, the facet needs to be turned off. Let them know that leaving the water running is an unnecessary waste.

Explain to kids that water is precious and it is a shame to let it go down the drain for nothing.

If you are teaching the kids how to brush their teeth on their own, including turning off the faucet in one of the steps in their routine.

You should also make sure that the faucet is tightly turned off. You don’t want to have water dripping for hours.

Turn this into a game for kids by making them water detectives. They can have an assignment to check the faucets for leaking and if there is a leaky faucet to determine who left it open.

3. Bathe Less and Opt for Showers

According to The American Academy of Dermatology, children should bathe once or twice a week. Of course, bathing should be more frequent when they:

● play outside and get dirty

● get really sweaty

● swim in an ocean, pool, or lake

In any case, the time they spend bathing should be limited. Too much time in the bathtub can also dry out their skin.

When it comes to preserving water, showering is a better option. Teach kids to take quick showers rather than to take long baths.

You can present this in a relatable way by telling them that quick showers will leave them more time for playing.

4. Re-wear the Clothes

Washing the clothes after wearing them one time will always keep your hamper full. Unless the clothes are really dirty, they can be worn multiple times.

The kids don’t sweat as adults do, so there is no need to wash clean clothes. The kids should learn to check their clothes at nighttime and if they aren’t dirty or sweaty, they should put them back in the closet.

Washing the kids’ clothes each time they wear something is a waste of water. My kids know that they always need to check if the clothes are truly dirty before they put them in the hamper,” says Amanda Hayes, a digital marketer at WritingJudge.

5. Have a Special Cup

As the dishes pile up for washing, you will have to use more water. Don't allow the kids to get used to using several glasses and cups during the day. Change that by assigning them their cup.

If they switch the cup each time they want to drink something, you’ll end up with 10 extra cups for washing.

What will get them to use the same cup is if they pick it out. Take them to a store and allow them to choose one cup that will be theirs.

6. Don’t Throw Away Old Water

The kids should know never to throw away water. If they don’t drink their cup of water, they should use it to water the plants.

Teach them that plants are also thirsty, just as we are, so when they can’t finish their glass of water they should share it with a plant.

To prevent them from overwatering the plants, let them know which plants need watering and which don't.

7. Wash the Bike with a Bucket

Spraying the bike with the hose will take away much more water than using a bucket. Whenever the kids are washing the bike, they should do it with a bucket and a rag.

Another way to save water is to collect the rainwater and use it for washing the bikes.

Give the kids an assignment to put the bucket out when it starts raining and collect the water. Catching rainwater can be a fun responsibility.

Some Final Thoughts

Teach kids that small steps such as these can make a huge difference. Their future is in their hands but it is up to you to help them understand that. Evoking the awareness about conserving water can help spread the message and get more kids to become a part of this.

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