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What is the best way to maximise your water bill refund due to historical overcharging?

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Graham Mann
I have been in the Water & Waste Water industry for 30 years and formed a Water Consultancy business called H2o Building Services both myself and my team have built a wealth of knowledge and expertise Saving companies money on their Water bi


What Is The Best Way To Maximise Your Water Bill Refund Due To Historical Overcharging?

Since Water Market deregulation, thousands of customers are being overcharged and they simply will not have a clue that they are being overcharged even if they are having their water and waste water bills validated by a third party bill validation provider and using bill validation software to support this process. The overcharging will very likely continue unless a Water Audit Industry Expert validates the bills.

In addition to the bill validation process if any claims are submitted to your present water retail company for a refund of overcharges you may not be paid out the total amount owed and we explain why.​

This may well preclude thousands of customers from claiming the full amount of the overcharges.

You could be owed money due to historical overcharges on your water,waste water and trade effluent charges.

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