Public-private partnership for eliminating water losses in water transport networks
In terms of lost flow rates or impact on pipeline integrity, transport leaks can be a major issue. While it remains unresolved, it presents an opportunity for large industrial water consumers seeking to compensate for their environmental impact.
Leaks in water transport networks: the "middle child" of non-revenue water (NRW)
Water losses in transport networks are often overlooked within the larger family of NRW, mainly due to the difficulty of accurately locating leaks. Conventional methods like loggers, geophones, and correlators do not work well in these cases due to the greater distance between access points and the depth at which they are typically installed. These pipes have also frequently received much less attention from the digitalisation standpoint than the distribution networks. However, in terms of lost flow rates or impact on pipeline integrity, transport leaks can be a major issue. Consider, for example, that transport networks often have large leaks that go unnoticed for long periods, like the one in Image 1, with a loss rate of 25 l/s, or about 788,000 m³/year — a significant amount, especially in areas under water stress or drought conditions.
Various reasons contribute to why these leaks are not systematically investigated or repaired by some utilities. As with most leakage issues, the fact that they are not visible and that network inefficiencies are already embedded in operational budgets means there is little motivation among operators for their control. The lack of standard methodologies and knowledge of using in-line technologies also contributes to this situation. However, the hidden costs and risks of these leaks add an extra burden on public finances, water reserves, and CO2 emissions. For example, using an average of 0.5 kg CO2/kWh and 1 kWh/m³, about 0.5 kg CO2 is emitted per m³ of water lost in leaks.
Eliminating a major leak in a transport conduit would be equivalent to fixing several dozen smaller leaks in distribution networks
A single transport leak, like the one in Image 1, with a flow of 25 l/s, would result in an unnecessary excess of 394 tCO2/year in emissions. Imagine how many such leaks could exist in the countless connections of our invisible transport conduits. For these reasons, some countries like the UK have established penalties for utilities that exceed certain levels of NRW, with thresholds typically around 10% as the maximum allowable. The European Commission is also expected to take similar measures soon. Clearly, eliminating a major leak in a transport conduit would be equivalent to fixing several dozen smaller leaks in distribution networks, making it more cost-effective to prioritize and proactively address transport conduits if water savings are the goal.
Opportunity for water-positive companies
While this issue remains unresolved, it presents an opportunity for large industrial water consumers seeking to compensate for their environmental impact. For example, a recent study by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, shows that training AI systems require between 0.1 and 0.5 litres of cooling water per kWh consumed by data centres. This could make AI a major water consumer if it isn’t already. Additionally, producing 1 litre of beer involves using 3 to 5 litres of water in the factory, plus the water footprint from the rest of the production chain, totalling between 40 and 300 litres of water per litre produced, depending on the region and farming techniques. Lastly, producing 1 kg of chicken meat requires between 4,000 and 6,000 litres of water throughout the production process, including cleaning and effluent dilution. The food and beverage, chemical, cosmetic, and data industries are clear examples of major industrial consumers considering water efficiency strategies and are good candidates for committing to reducing their water footprint.
Large industrial water consumers seeking to compensate for their impact may participate in public-private initiatives to reduce losses
This fact highlights what has been known for ages: that water is vital not only for our daily hydration and hygiene but also for human and economic development and will remain so in the future. Due to its enormous relevance to industry and its commitment to sustainable development, companies and movements within these industries are emerging not just to mitigate their water consumption but to return more water to the environment than they use. As mentioned later, this can also be achieved by participating in public-private initiatives to reduce losses. There is no better or more profitable water source than not wasting the water already in the network.
Water-positive and public-private partnership
It's hard to be somewhat connected to social networks and sector media without hearing the words "Water Positive." As early as 2007, the United Nations Secretary-General, in collaboration with other organizations focused on environmental sustainability, launched the CEO Water Mandate initiative (, aiming to mobilize and commit a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water management. What initially sought to mitigate the impact on the water environment soon became a commitment by companies to generate more water than they consumed, benefiting the environment, the population, and regional economic development. Thus, the concept of "Water Positive" was born. Many have associated the goal of becoming water-positive with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, setting that date as the deadline to achieve it.
There are various mechanisms for companies to achieve these goals. They can take actions to reduce water consumption within their own facilities or participate in public-private actions outside their premises that increase water availability in the watersheds from which they draw.
Microsoft, as a funder, and Aganova, as a provider of leak detection solutions, signed a contract for water recovery in the Tajo River basin
Many types of actions, or replenishment projects, can be developed by water engineering firms for these companies to promote this positive impact, such as effluent treatment for aquifer and wetland recharge, effluent reuse, water re-potabilization through reverse osmosis processes, or, as highlighted today: collaboration in locating and repairing leaks in water transport systems in the watersheds they draw from.
A success story. Requirements and structure
One of the companies most firmly committed to becoming water-positive by 2030 is the global technology leader Microsoft. Microsoft’s Water Positive goal is made up of 5 key pillars: reduce water use intensity, replenish more water than we consume, increase access to water and sanitation services for people across the globe, drive innovation to scale water solutions and advocate for effective water policy. As announced earlier this year, Microsoft, as a funder, and Aganova, as a provider of technological leak detection solutions, signed a contract for water recovery in the Tajo River basin near Madrid. The multi-year contract aims to strengthen and scale the efforts in leak detection and repair that the Mancomunidad de Aguas del Sorbe (MAS) had been undertaking.
Thus, within the framework of the aforementioned project, Aganova is precisely locating leaks, providing the flow rate of each leak, and verifying the volumetric benefit achieved after each leak found is repaired by MAS. These volumetric benefits, or rather, the credit for achieving them, measured in cubic metres saved, are proportionally claimed according to the investments made by each party, allowing them to account for it in their water impact balance.
Within the project, Aganova is locating leaks, providing the flow rate, and verifying the volumetric benefit achieved after they are repaired
Aganova and Microsoft aligned on the following basic requirements for this project: (1) The beneficiary of the detection must commit to repairing the detected leaks within a reasonable time frame; (2) The technological solution used must include innovative components, preferably related to artificial intelligence (as is the case with our Nautilus and Nemo technologies); (3) The solution must benefit the basin that Microsoft operations are sourcing water from.
Of course, when receiving an assignment like this, aspects such as the cost of water savings, in euros invested per cubic metre saved, also come into play. This value already integrates factors such as the initial state of the network and the efficiency of the technology used in kilometres inspected per day, a point where in-line technology, and in particular Nautilus, is extremely competitive.
For a collaborative public-private water loss elimination project in transport conduits to occur, the following are needed: (1) A public operator willing to repair leaks that may exist in its transport network; (2) An industrial sponsor operating in the area and wanting to mitigate its water footprint while benefiting the population and the environment; and (3) A technology company with precise leak detection capabilities in transport conduits and engineering capacities to structure and take responsibility for the project before the sponsor and the public network operator.
Aganova’s leak detection technologies and the company's know-how have put it at the forefront of public-private water recovery projects
The average annual volumes of water savings, energy savings, and CO2 emissions reductions are considerable. For the example of the leak in Image 1, assuming the presence of one like it every 10 kilometres in a 120 km transport network would save about 9.4 Hm³/year and 4,728 tCO2/year.
Combining forces with private sponsors who support new technologies not only benefits them and water network managers in terms of environmental sustainability but also definitively boosts innovative technologies that will help solve water problems when we need it most.
Aganova is an engineering and technology company specializing in first-level condition assessment and precise leak detection in water transport conduits, operating globally since 2015 with over 3,500 km of networks studied. Aganova inspects transport networks with its free-navigation device Nautilus and its tethered device Jábega. The information collected during inspections is analysed by its proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms within its Nemo platform, allowing conclusions about the pipeline's condition and the precise location and flow rate of all existing leaks. These technologies and the company's know-how have put it at the forefront of public-private water recovery projects.