SUEZ continues to develop its activity in Italy with a new contract to renovate and operate the Naples-North (Napoli Nord) wastewater treatment plant. This contract is part of the “Regi Lagni - Naples” major infrastructure modernisation project, for which the Group was also awarded the modernisation and operation of Cuma’s water treatment plant in 2017. These two 5-year contracts represent a total turnover of €120 million for the Group.
The aim of the “Regi Lagni - Naples” major project is to rehabilitate five wastewater treatment plants (Cuma, Naples-North, Marcianise, Acerra and Foce Regi Lagni), with a total treatment capacity of 4.5 million inhabitants equivalent. This €450 million project is the most important investment in sanitation in the country and in Europe in the last 20 years.
With its partner Impresa Pizzarotti & C.S.p.A, SUEZ will renovate and operate the plants of Napoli Nord and Cuma, managing the wastewater treatment of 2 million inhabitants equivalent, for a total amount of more than €200 million, of which €120 million awarded to the Group.
SUEZ will use innovation technologies to significantly reduce the energy footprint of the two facilities, including the control of the air consumption required by the biological treatment1, and to save resources by recovering sludge (cogeneration) and heat from the available thermal flows (cogeneration, dryers, heating and cooling networks, etc.).
The Italian market is the Group’s third-largest country for the development of its water activities in Europe. In the coming years, it is expected to increase, driven by the country’s needs to invest in infrastructure.
SUEZ is represented through joint ventures in water management in Italy, where it supplies 2.7 million inhabitants with drinking water and wastewater collection services. Over the last 56 years, the Group has also built 150 drinking water plants, 500 wastewater treatment plants and 80 industrial water treatment plants. One of its three centres of expertise in industrial water is located in Milan.
Marie-Ange Debon, Group Senior Executive VP - France, Italy & Central Europe says: "This project is crucial for the Naples region, which has significant infrastructure needs, in particular in the environment. In collaboration with the local and regional authorities, SUEZ will provide the teams and the know-how required to improve the technical and environmental performance of the facilities. We take pride in being selected by the Campania region and contributing to the improvement of the bathing waters of the Gulf of Naples."