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Solving the water crisis through Indian Vaidic Science

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Madhukar Swayambhu
Madhukar Swayambhu is a Water Hero of India, a TEDx speaker, an innovator, an ecologist, environmentalist associated with environmental restoration.


  • Solving the water crisis through Indian Vaidic Science

We all understand that the world is going through a global water crisis and everyone in his / her own capacity is trying to deal with it, because water is essential for life. We know that water is the very fundamental basic need for life, that’s why all the space agencies in quest to find life on other planets and moons are primarily searching for water there. Because the very basic hope for life starts from water. On our blue planet too, the first living cell was born in water and propagated to land and then to air.

There is a huge drinking water crisis across the globe and it is worsening day by day. It is envisaged that in coming years the situation will get even more grave. Though we know that from United Nations to governments to local bodies to corporations – everyone has been working towards conservation, restoration, extraction and what not, but if we look at the world in the last fifty years, has the situation improved or has it worsened? The fact of the matter is, in spite of all efforts being put by all the organisations and individuals – the situation is turning grimmer each day. More and more people, plants and animals are parched today. There’s a rapid desertification happening, that too in spite of the efforts to restore.

The approach we have been taking about water is – that it is a chemical molecule or a substance that is made up of two atoms of Hydrogen (H) and a single atom of Oxygen (O2), so a single molecule of water is H2O and that’s a dead chemical like any other chemical compound, nothing else.

But if this approach is correct, there are many questions left unanswered and unexplained. Like, why is this single compound so important for life? Why can’t we make it in laboratories? Why is there so much of hue and cry about this single chemical compound? Why did life begin in water and not H2SO4 or NaCl or CaCO3, if any compound is the same as water?

And now some bigger questions defying our understanding further more:

  • All substances on Earth get condensed when frozen to sub-zero temperature and expand when heated, while water expands when frozen. That’s why ice is lighter and water and floats above instead of sinking.
  • All substances follow the laws of physics including gravity, while water has a force of its own working against gravity called buoyancy.
  • Unlike most of the substances, water exists in all three states as solid, liquid and gas.

That leads to an obvious conclusion – are we understanding water rightly or we are trying to solve the water crisis, without even understanding the subject holistically?

This is where Vaidic Science comes to our rescue, when it says: “Water is not a dead substance, but a living ecology, which is capable of self-healing, like any other living ecosystem”. This changes approach is the key sustainable solution.

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