Connecting Waterpeople

Asia Pacific

20/01/2025 · Smart Water Magazine

Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC) drone footage 2017

What are the Tributaries of the Ganges River?
Biodiversity , Asia Pacific , India
The tributaries of the Ganges River form an intricate network that is crucial for the region's water security, ecological balance, and cultural heritage.
What is the longest river in Pakistan?
Biodiversity , Asia Pacific , Pakistan
Learn about the Indus River, the largest river in Pakistan, its geographical features, historical significance, and impacts on Pakistan's environment, economy, and culture.
What is the longest river in Indonesia?
Biodiversity , Asia Pacific , Indonesia
Discover the largest river in Indonesia, the Kapuas River, as we explore its geographical features, historical significance, and impact on the environment, economy and culture.
What is the longest river in Asia?
Biodiversity , Asia Pacific , China
After the Amazon and the Nile, the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world, with a length of…