CABEI promotes potable water and sanitation systems in Nicaragua

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has signed two important loans with the Government of Nicaragua with the aim of strengthening the country's competitiveness.

One of the loans is for US$251,470,000.00 million and will fund the "Program for the Improvement of Potable Water and Sanitation Systems in 7 cities."

During the signing ceremony, CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, explained that, "These two loans will enable the development of programs aimed at promoting competitiveness in infrastructure, regional trade and environmental sustainability."

It will benefit 265,628 inhabitants: 240,360 will benefit from the provision of sanitary sewerage in 51,788 homes and individual sanitation solutions in an additional 15 homes; and 25,268 inhabitants will benefit from the potable water service through connections in 5,443 households. The project will be developed in the cities of Chichigalpa, Chinandega, El Viejo, León, Jinotepe, Ciudad Darío and Telica.

These projects are consistent with Nicaragua's National Human Development Plan strategy and with CABEI's 2015-2019 Institutional Strategy.

About the entity

Central American Bank for Economic Integration.