It is simply no good at all to continually complain and publish negative comments about the deregulated Water Market if you have the expertise and experience to do something about it!
In April 2017, the largest competitive water retail market in the world opened for business, bringing the biggest change to the water sector since privatisation.
This new market means 1.2 million businesses, charities and public sector organisations in England are no longer restricted to buying water services from their regional monopoly. Instead, they can shop around, renegotiate, and find the right deal for them. If customers don’t like the service they get, they can take their business elsewhere.
This market can help to deliver lower bills, help people use less water, lead to improved services.
So after nearly 3 years where are we?
It's a "Bloody Mess" and don't let anyone tell you different!
I will keep this brief but here are just a few examples,
Tens of 1,000's of none- residential customers are being overcharged and the financials are substantial,
Likewise, I estimate tens of 1,000's are being undercharged and the financials are substantial I guess in equal measure.
A vast amount of non-residential customers will be completly unaware they are being under and overcharged and the numbers are staggering.
And guess what the Water Retail Companies cannot be blamed entirely for this mess as they are charging in accordance with the Water Market Data which is all they can do so they are right in that respect.
Then there is the appalling service and Water Retailers cannot hide away from this fact some are worse than others with most working hard to improve whilst others simply do not seem at all bothered and quite frankly their attitude leaves a lot to be desired (No I shall not name them as nothing would be gained in doing so).
By appalling service I mean for example response times to billing errors little understanding of charges and tariffs or charging mechanisms retailers no taking complaints seriously and not going down the regulated and agreed complaints procedures.
Insisting bills are paid even though they are correct.
And there is no central UK wide Water Retail Procure Platform mechanism for Switching Water Supplier in a transparent and independant way.
The list quite frankly goes on and on and customers are fed up as they were told they would be better off when the market was deregulated so why then would we be surprised that the Switching market activity is low?
Coupled with low discounts it is little wonder the Water Retail Market is in the state that it's in.
There are many more challenging issues so what real innovations have we seen in the last 3 years?
Very little if any , so I have assembled a team of experts with the knowledge and expertise and driven by a HUGE passion to make a real and positive difference to the Water Retail Market and the environment as the market and the environment is crying out for innovation and positive change which will resolve over time a great many issues for both customers and Water Retailers alike.
The company is called Switch Water Supplier Ltd- the trading brand the launch date of this new innovation is January 2020 meanwhile a group has been created to enable those interested in the progress and wish to participate and use the service can be kept up to date so click the link to join the group. is a Water Retail Procurement platform where none residential customers can Switch water Supplier,
Energy Brokers and Energy Consultants will be able to Switch Water Supplier simply and hassle free supported by Water Industry Experts.
The Water Retail Procurement platform will operate in a transparent and totally independant way you the customer will make the choice not your consultant or broker!
When you have switched an expert will be on hand to ensure a smooth transition to your appointed Water Retailer.
Then will apply Data Correction techniques we will work with you if needed to audit your bills and report back with potential overcharges or undercharges and indeed an indication of savings through Water Efficiency or other measures to reduce your costs.
When that stage is all completed we will if needed provide Water Bill Validation as an addition service.
So Switch Water Supplier-Water Waste Water And Trade Effluent Data Correction-Water and waste water efficiency savings- Ongoing Water Bill Validation.
"Switching Made Simple" Great for customers and Water Retailers, and a positive contribution to the Environment bringing customers and Water Retailers together
Join The Group Here any Questions?