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"BIO-UV Group added ozone to its technology portfolio with the acquisition of Triogen"

BIO-UV Group, based in France, is a European leader since its creation in 2000 in water treatment, designing, manufacturing and marketing ultraviolet, Ozone, salt electrolysis and AOP disinfection systems.

In this interview, Simon Marshall, Deputy General Manager of BIO-UV Group and Managing Director Triogen at BIO-UV Group, speaks with us about the company’s innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies, including Ozone and UV water treatment.

Can you tell us briefly about your career path and your current role at BIO-UV Group?

I am an international executive management professional with over 30 years’ experience in the water industry; acquiring, integrating, and leading business performance across a broad portfolio of manufacturing and service industry sectors, including venture capital, public and privately-owned operations. I have led operations in North and Central America, the Far East including China, Hong Kong and Malaysia, the Middle East and throughout Europe.

BIO-UV Group has a very large portfolio of UV products that ranges from the treatment of sea water through to ultra-pure water and potable water applications

I joined BIO-UV Group 4 years ago in a consulting role to lead the acquisition of Triogen from Suez and after managing the successful integration of the business, was asked to join the Board of BIO-UV Group 3 years ago as an employee to lead the international business sales and operations. Today, my role is Deputy General Manager of BIO-UV Group.

Can BIO-UV Group’s UV-C technology also be used to treat water for drinking purposes?

BIO-UV Group has a very large portfolio of UV products that ranges from the treatment of sea water through to ultra-pure water and potable water applications. We have a very well-established range of drinking water Point of Use and Point of Entry products that are typically sold into regions of the world where the local municipal potable water supply cannot be relied upon.

BIO-UV Group also specializes in Ozone water disinfection process. In which sectors can this treatment method be applied? And what are its main advantages?

Ozone is known to be nature’s most powerful oxidant and we are providing disinfection solutions with no harmful bi-products

BIO-UV Group added ozone to our technology portfolio with the acquisition of Triogen in 2019. Since that time, we have invested in product development and today we are targeting a number of strategic markets including Leisure, Aquaculture, Industrial and Re-use applications with ozone.

Ozone is known to be nature’s most powerful oxidant and we are providing disinfection solutions with no harmful bi-products or use of third-party chemicals. BIO-UV Group’s systems have the additional advantages of only producing ozone on demand, automatically and in a safe and controlled dose that immediately reverts to O2 once it is expended.

Disinfection is a critical stage in the treatment of wastewater for sustainable and safe re-use

Sustainable wastewater management is becoming increasingly important. How does BIO-UV Group help its customers achieve their goals in this respect?

Disinfection is a critical stage in the treatment of wastewater for sustainable and safe re-use. In order to simplify the disinfection process for customers, BIO-UV Group is launching a range of chemical-free systems targeted at applications across a range of UVT that will suit most tertiary treatment or re-use applications. The technology is simple, fully automated with remote monitoring and control options and ideal for either remote locations or modern plant rooms. Where previously tertiary treatment required sophisticated treatment plants, we are now able to provide a “plug and play” solution suitable for most environments.

Can you highlight a recent BIO-UV Group case study about the reuse of treated wastewater?

The treatment and disinfection of wastewater for re-use are considered critical to sustainability

Earlier this year, BIO-UV Group supplied a WWTP disinfection system to a client in Morocco which is now producing over 1,000m3/h of treated effluent suitable for irrigation of crops.

Two RW 48711/400 UV systems were supplied to treat 530 m3/h each at 45%UVT to deliver 50mJ/cm2 guaranteeing a minimum 3 log reduction of E. Coli.

The provision of the BIO-UV systems also means that, in order to comply with local regulations, the customer has eliminated the use and cost of chemicals prior to reusing or discharging the final effluent to the local water course.

What trends do you see in the wastewater management industry?

Climate change, population growth and the increase in water usage per capita is compounding the demand for an already finite global resource. It is reported that today over 30% of the world’s population live in water distressed countries. As such, every drop is becoming more and more precious, and this is forcing responsible operators to seek out cost effective ways of re-using water that was previously discharged to the environment.

In the past this was seen as an environmentally responsible thing to do but now, the treatment and disinfection of wastewater for re-use are considered critical to sustainability and this will certainly lead to more legislation and enforcement.