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Tackling Non-Revenue Water: Innovations in real-time data analytics and DMA management

On Wednesday, May 6th, Smart Water Magazine, in collaboration with Xylem, presented an insightful webinar titled: "Leveraging Real-Time Data Analytics and DMAs for Water-Loss Control.” This hour-long seminar delved into groundbreaking strategies for water-loss control, employing real-time data analytics and virtual District Metered Areas (DMAs). Participants gained valuable insights into how harnessing real-time data analytics can significantly enhance water-loss detection and proactive management.

If you missed the webinar, you may now watch it on-demand.

Moderated by Cristina Novo, Technical Editor at Smart Water Magazine, the webinar emphasized the crucial role of prioritizing water loss reduction in ensuring sustainable water stewardship and securing clean, reliable water supplies for future generations.

The amount of data is not the challenge, the challenge is what the data is and what it’s been used for

Manuel Parra, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Xylem, kicked off the presentations by addressing the Data Challenge, emphasizing that the abundance of data in the water sector is not the issue; rather, it's the integration and utilization of this data across organizational silos. Parra highlighted the importance of integrating data to create actionable insights accessible to operators and managers in real time.

The discussion then shifted to the innovative collaboration between Xylem and Idrica, exemplified by the creation of Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua, a cutting-edge software platform designed to unify disparate data sources and streamline water management processes. Pablo Calabuig, Vice President for the Americas Region at Idrica, elaborated on how this platform integrates various databases and sensors to provide holistic, real-time insights for water utilities worldwide.

Water revenue and DMAs

A key focus of the webinar was on tackling non-revenue water (NRW), a significant challenge faced by utilities globally. Calabuig outlined strategies for reducing NRW, including advanced metering and the implementation of virtual DMAs (vDMAs). By leveraging digital tools for network insights, vDMAs enable utilities to detect leaks promptly, minimize service disruptions, and optimize operational efficiency.

Case studies showcased how utilities in the U.S. and Europe have leveraged Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua to achieve substantial reductions in water losses and energy consumption

Real-world success stories underscored the effectiveness of these innovative approaches. Case studies showcased how utilities in the U.S. and Europe have leveraged Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua to achieve substantial reductions in water losses and energy consumption, demonstrating the tangible benefits of integrating real-time data analytics and DMA management into water utility operations.

Following the presentations, the online seminar culminated in a dynamic Q&A session, where attendees engaged the speakers with insightful inquiries. Questions ranged from exploring the applicability of the model in the wastewater sector to inquiries about integrating the platform in developing countries. Attendees also delved into the diverse functionalities offered to utilities by the innovative solution.

In conclusion, the webinar provided a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge technologies and strategies for maximizing water efficiency, highlighting the transformative impact of real-time data analytics and vDMA management in addressing water loss challenges and promoting sustainable water management practices.