The European Commission decided to send a reasoned opinion to Poland (INFR(2020)4058) to address shortcomings in the transposition of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC).
The Directive lays down rules for monitoring and classification of bathing waters for at least two parameters of specific bacteria. In addition, Member States must inform the public about bathing water quality and beach management, through the bathing water profiles.
The Directive also requires competent authorities to take appropriate protective measures when bathing water quality poses risks for human health. The Commission sent a letter of formal notice to Poland in October 2020. Poland has still not correctly transposed the Directive's requirements on several points such as the identification and designation of bathing water, monitoring obligations and various duties of competent authorities in cases of pollution or identified risks to human health, as well as informing and consulting members of the public.
Therefore, the Commission has decided to issue a reasoned opinion to Poland, which now has two months to respond and take the necessary measures. Otherwise, the Commission may decide to refer the case to the Court of Justice of the European Union.