Galliford Try has been appointed to Yorkshire Water’s infrastructure framework for AMP7.
The total value of the award to Galliford Try is estimated to be about £30 million over the five-year term which has the option for extension into AMP8. Carried out in conjunction with design partner GHD, the work will cover the clean water and sewerage networks, focusing on the rehabilitation and replacement of below ground assets. It will enable our client achieve performance commitments including reducing leakage, water supply interruptions and flooding as well as improving drinking water quality.
The appointment follows Galliford Try’s allocation last summer to Yorkshire Water’s ‘complex civils’ framework covering the design, build and refurbishment of clean and waste water treatment assets, reservoirs and pumping stations. The total value of the framework is £1bn and Galliford Try expects to secure about £15-20m of work from it per year.
Ian Jones, Managing Director of Galliford Try’s Environment business unit which includes Water, said: “This news rounds off what’s been a very positive year for our water business. In addition to the Yorkshire Water work we’ve been successful in securing an extension with Southern Water from AMP6 to AMP7. We look forward to 2020 with great confidence.”