The West Africa partners have approved the designation of Mr. Abdoulaye SENE as the new chair of Global water Partnership West Africa. He is replacing Professor Amadou Hama MAIGA whose second mandate ended. This one of the main decisions of the 10th Assembly of Partners of GWP-WA held on 29 September 2021 in Ouagadougou.
As the current Executive Secretary of the Dakar 2022 World Water Forum preparatory committee, Mr. SENE is a Hydraulic engineer with an extensive experience in the Senegalese high administration.
The first 25 years were spent in the Ministries in charge of Hydraulics, Rural Development, Energy and Mines, that allowed him to acquire a broad experience in the fields of water resources management, drinking water supply, sanitation, agricultural hydraulics, dams, hydoelectric schemes, electricity production and distribution, public infrastructure management, social negotiation and institutional communication.
The last 10 years as Chair of the Region of Fatick (7 years), then as a member of the National Assembly of Senegal (5 years), have enabled him to capitalize on a rich experience, in particular, in legislation and policies of decentralization, environment, rural development, land use planning, management of basic public services (water, energy, housing), evaluation and control of public policies.