To celebrate Green Win's third birthday, we decided to give you a present... A sneak preview of the Greener Pumping Toolkit (GPT), the online interactive toolkit currently being developped to help
calculate pumping equipments
costs, energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Whether you want to improve efficiency of existing installations or
invest in new pumping equipment, the GPT has been designed to help water
management organisations (WMO's) make the right
choice to reduce emission and electricity consumption generated by
pumping water.
As well as a little bit about the project and its partners, it will also include a section of potential funding available for projects in Europe as well as a section on Innovation, where suppliers can provide and share content on their latest 'Green' pumping and management technologies for Water Management Organisations. Case Studies will also be made available, showing
examples of
the work that was done both before and during the Green Win project by the parners and providing inspiration on how other WMO's can follow and reduce their CO2 emissions caused by pumping.