Irish Water is upgrading the wastewater treatment plants in towns and villages around Ireland as part of a large scale nationwide scheme to benefit communities and safeguard the environment. The works are being carried out in partnership with the local authorities.
Claire Lyons, Capital Programme Manager said: "Ensuring that the wastewater generated every day in our homes, schools and workplaces is treated in compliance with the EU and national wastewater treatment regulations and can be safely returned to the environment is a key priority for Irish Water."
Works expected to be completed by 2021
“Works will begin in the coming months, once the final statutory approvals are in place, and are expected to be completed by 2021. As the majority of the works will be carried out within the plants, Irish Water will be able to minimise disruption to residents and businesses in the surrounding area.”
Upgrade to the inlet works
Irish Water is investing over €16 million in the works, which include upgrades to the inlet works, storm water management and sludge treatment and storage. Further information on the works taking place in each county can be found on Our Projects Page.
Claire Lyons added, “The investment Irish Water is making in upgrading our wastewater plants around the country will improve the environment for all of us. However, it is really important that everyone thinks about the possible impact of what they flush. Items like wet wipes and cotton wool can prevent the network from working efficiently, as well as damaging the plumbing in our homes. Placing a bin in the bathroom and disposing of sanitary items safely will help to prevent pollution of our beaches and riverways.”