The principal congress on water managed aquifer recharge ISMAR10 will be celebrated from 20th to 24th May 2019 in Madrid.
This international congress aims to bring together all the agents related to the “MAR” technique and spread this technique and its effectiveness, as well as its benefits, limitations and applicability, acquire transparency. To this end, it builds on new scientific and technological developments in water management.
Molecor will be present at this event of water sector presenting the environmental advantages that offer the PVC-O pipes and fittings with the paper: “PVC-O pipes and fittings, the most environmentally friendly solution for water transportation” which will take place 21st May at session 15.
In addition to this, Molecor will participate in round table, which will take place the same day, about Opportunities and Technological Challenges for Water Management” with the intention of bringing together the advantages and characteristics of pipes and fittings.
For more information click here.