Burkina Faso has designated Complexe du Parc Urbain Bãngr – Weoogo et du lac des trois barrages as a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site no. 2367). The Site, located in the heart of Ouagadougou, covers 945 hectares including two linked areas: the Bãngr – Weoogo Urban Park and the three reservoirs and dams of the city.
This urban wetland hosts a remarkable biodiversity with its diverse habitats including savannah, forests and ponds. The Ramsar Site features a protected forest that provides a hotspot of plant biodiversity and a refuge for diverse animal species. The fauna mostly comprises introduced species, including turtles of the genera Trionyx and Cyclanorbis and roan antelope Hippotragus equinus. Among the threatened plants are dry zone mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and shea butter trees (Vitellaria paradoxa).
Restored and protected, this Ramsar Site is currently managed by the Municipality of Ouagadougou. It is a tourist site visited by approximately 25,000 visitors per year, and a training and scientific research centre hosting a number of environmental education activities as well as training programmes for students. The Ramsar Site also has socio-cultural value, as its river (the Kugri-suingo) is considered sacred and home to sacred animal species.
In a context of rapid urbanization around the park, pollution by solid and liquid waste and market gardening affect the Site. However, a monitoring plan is being implemented to maintain its social and scientific value, focusing on plant species, birds and water quality.