The Stockholm International Water Institute has appointed Karin Gardes to SIWI. Her role as the new Chief Operating Officer comes on the back of a long and established career in international development cooperation.
Having previously held various positions at the UN, the EU and International IDEA, her experience will provide an added boost to SIWI’s mission as one of the world’s leading water institutes.
“Water issues are high on the international agenda and a core issue for all societies in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I look forward to being able to contribute to SIWI, consolidating and further developing its role as a leading organization with recognized expertise and a holistic approach to water-related global challenges,” says Karin Gardes.
Karin Gardes holds two Master degrees from the Stockholm School of Economics and the College of Europe in Belgium. Her areas of expertise include global impact work, strategy development, and partnership building and will be a great asset to SIWI, as the organization continues to focus on increasing knowledge among decision-makers about how water plays a crucial role in solving today's major challenges.
“We are very pleased to have been able to recruit Karin Gardes with her broad international background and a strong commitment to global development issues. At a time when water issues are becoming increasingly important, she will be able to add a lot through her combination of knowledge and leadership experience from international organizations” says Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director at SIWI.
Karin Gardes will take up the new position in February 2020.