UKWIR (United Kingdom Water Industry Research) is now seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from expert partners or consortiums able to deliver targeted research projects tackling the biggest issues facing the water sector. UKWIR is a not-for-profit organisation that facilitates, manages, and delivers a strategic programme of research projects for water companies in the UK and Ireland.
The 21 research projects fall under UKWIR’s 11 Big Questions (BQs). UKWIR developed BQs to address the industry's key challenges, identified through extensive consultation. Topics addressed in the BQs include delivering sustainable wastewater services, zero uncontrolled sewer discharges, achieving zero customers in water poverty, as well as zero leakage and zero interruptions to supply.
“Our projects are informed by the input of water companies, academia, and other stakeholders. This ensures that the research is relevant to the needs of the industry and that the results can be effectively implemented,” said Steve Kaye, UKWIR CEO.
UKWIR developed BQs to address the industry's key challenges, identified through extensive consultation
“UKWIR is a valuable resource for water companies in the UK and Ireland. It helps them to stay ahead of the curve, drive improvements for the environment and customers, and to meet the challenges of the 21st century.”
Kaye added that UKWIR’s goal is to help water companies address pressing issues by funding research projects that develop new understanding, information, methods and techniques to improve the water industry's efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and resilience.
Expressions of interest are open until midnight on Sunday 1st October for the following UKWIR BQ projects:
Big Question 1- How do we halve freshwater abstraction in a sustainable way by 2050?
Environmental destination investigation framework and understanding the impact of climate change on river health/ecology
Big Question 2 - How will we achieve zero leakage in a sustainable way by 2050?
Optimising the selection of pipes for renewal to reduce leakage
Use of models to determine the size and most likely location of customer side leakage
A review of the success of previous mains renewal methods and an overview of new techniques
Big Question 3 - How do we achieve zero interruptions to water supply by 2050?
Optimising and balancing short-term operational interventions with long-term capital maintenance to improve water supply interruptions
Understanding water infrastructure risks - major bursts, traffic volumes and the condition of road infrastructure
Big Question 4 - How do we achieve 100% compliance with drinking water standards at point of use by 2050?
Fate and disposal of persistent and emerging contaminants captured during potable water treatment
Sustainable granular activated carbon (GAC) regeneration
Chemical-free water treatment and alternatives to traditional clarification processes
How will climate change affect raw water quality?
Detection and management of ingress into tanks
Big Question 5 – How will we deliver an environmentally sustainable wastewater service that meets customer and regulator expectations by 2050?
What process options are available for treatment of hazardous chemicals at point of entry to sewer?
Feasibility study on polluter pays monitoring and extended producer responsibility
Big Question 6 - How do we achieve zero uncontrolled discharges from sewers by 2050?
Understanding the possibilities of new approaches and standards from a data-rich sewer network
A holistic review of the impact of reducing the operation of sewer overflows on organic load to works, sludge production, carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.
FOG charging - should foodservice wastewater charges reflect fats oils and grease (FOG) content?
Drainage Water Management Plans - drawing conclusions and defining best practice from cycle 1 delivery.
Big Question 8 - How to continue creating positive value through asset management decision making?
Common definition and calculation of asset health
Criticality and value of data in supporting asset management decision-making
Big Question 11 - How do we maximise recovery of useful resources and achieve zero waste by 2050?
Response to National Bioresources Strategy – prioritisation of opportunities
Circular economy – water treatment sludges
These projects will deliver significant financial, environmental and societal benefits for the environment, water sector and customers.
For detailed information about each project, or to submit an Expression of Interest for a specific project, visit: .