WesTech Engineering, Inc. is pleased to announce that the WWETCO FlexFilter™ has been conditionally accepted as an alternative filtration technology by the State of California under its Water Recycling Criteria (Title 22), Section 60320.5.
The FlexFilter is a high-rate filtration system that uses a simple gravity-fed process in conjunction with compressible-fiber media to remove total suspended solids to a level of ≤ 2 NTU for reuse-quality effluent in tertiary applications. Where nutrient removal is required, phosphorus can be removed to low levels with the addition of coagulant. Based on tests conducted and submitted by Kennedy Jenks, California’s conditional acceptance recognizes the system’s filter media and the technology in which it is used.
“We are excited about this opportunity to offer the WWETCO FlexFilter to plants that must meet Title 22 requirements for tertiary treatment – and to plants that want their equipment to meet the high standards these requirements reflect,” said Jim Hanson, WesTech Executive Vice President and Municipal Branch Leader.
In addition to tertiary water treatment (including recycle and reuse applications), the FlexFilter is known for its ability to handle high solids loads. It supports enhanced primary-treatment applications that can be designed to serve as dual-purpose systems for wet-weather treatment. Plants that don’t have the space or need for a separate combined sewer overflow (CSO) or sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) treatment train can use the system as a primary clarifier during dry periods and as a CSO/SSO treatment train during wet-weather events.
The FlexFilter has a flexible footprint and the ability to sit clean and dry when not in use. Its automated-operation capabilities make it ideal as an unmanned satellite system for plants that want to implement a stand-alone wet-weather system outside their main treatment trains. The system has no internal moving parts and does not lose media in its treatment process, making system maintenance minimal. This feature may become increasingly important as the number of water and wastewater professionals decreases due to retirement.
With this acceptance, the WWETCO FlexFilter will take its place among several WesTech products that have achieved Title 22 acceptance – including Trident®, SuperDisc™, and SuperSand™.