Kurita Water Industries Ltd. announced the resignation of Yasuo Suzuki, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Executive General Manager of Regional Management Division, Chief Business Officer for General Industries, an Executive Officer, and as a result its decision to change the responsibilities assigned to the representative executive officer and a corporate officer pursuant to the board of directors regulations, effective December 26, 2023. The reason for resignation is due to personal reasons. The resignation date is December 25, 2023.
The company announced change to responsibilities of Representative Executive Officer, Hirohiko Ejiri from current position Director, President and Representative Executive Officer to new position Director, President and Representative Executive Officer, and Executive General Manager of Regional Management Division, effective December 26, 2023. The company announced change to responsibilities of Corporate Officer, Takehiro Nozue from current position Executive General Manager of Industrial & Social Infrastructure Division to new position Executive General Manager of Industrial & Social Infrastructure Division, and Chief Business Officer for General Industries.