In the first six months of 2021, INDAQUA installed solar panels, occupying 2,830 m2 at five wastewater treatment plants, three reservoirs and five pumping stations. In total, these panels are producing enough energy to provide 22% of the energy used within the facilities.
INDAQUA´s initiative, one of the largest utilities of municipal concessions in Portugal, has an important environmental impact, reducing the emission of 183 tons of CO2 per year. 650,897 kWh produced by traditional energy sources annually would require more than 18,000 trees to absorb the resulting CO2.
The Company has made an investment of 277,500 euros, spread over three municipalities at the 13 installations that will be provided by the production of these solar panels. The greatest investment has been at Matosinhos (160,000 euros), followed by Santa Maria da Feira (around 100,000 euros) and Oliveira de Azeméis (around 17,500 euros). An earlier investment was made in 2019 at the company's headquarters, making for a total investment of more than 305,000 euros.
Recognised for its efficiency in water and wastewater management, INDAQUA has also sought to make the company more sustainable in terms of energy consumption, turning to renewable energy. "Carrying out the entire operation of water supply and wastewater management involves considerable energy consumption, in activities such as transport, pumping or treatment, which are continuous. Through these solar panels, with an installed capacity close to 500 kWh, we can make consumption greener, avoiding CO2 emissions," explains Pedro Perdigão, CEO of INDAQUA.
INDAQUA is exploring other alternative means of energy production and has already implemented complementary actions that guarantee a more sustainable energy consumption, such as energy production through biogas, which occurs in the Matosinhos WWTP, thanks to sludge management. Additionally, the entire supply is designed to reduce water waste, saving the respective energy consumption required to make it fit for consumption and bringing it to consumers' homes.