The Coronavirus crisis is no stranger to the water sector. Proof of that is the information published in Smart Water Magazine over the past few days, either as news or as blog posts with our bloggers' personal touch.
In this regard, this situation has made us ponder and consider several things. The first one is that we must call upon individual and collective responsibility to prevent the spread of the virus and the collapse of health care services. Therefore, all of us working at Smart Water Magazine have been teleworking from home since Tuesday March 10th, to continue to offer the latest water news to the Waterpeople and the general public interested in this area.
We invite you to share in social media pictures of you working from home with the hashtag #WaterpeopleAtHome
The second one is to invite our readership to, as much as possible, join the movements #IStayHome and #FlattenTheCurve as a precautionary measure to prevent the expansion of Covid-19 all over the world. In these circumstances, acting rationally is a priority. Also directly related, we propose two ideas: One is we invite you to share in social media pictures of you working from home with the hashtag #WaterpeopleAtHome. The water sector can and must help raise awareness, and what better way to do it than together?
A third key point is to bring up the issue of using water rationally at home. This is something we cannot forget about; moreover, we have to keep in mind that water is a scarce resource and spending more time at home should not imply consuming more water. Once again, it's about common sense and responsibility.
We also want to highlight that at Smart Water Magazine we support the rigorous and professional services that water sector entities provide to citizens in these difficult times. Thanks to them, water and sanitation services are guaranteed. As iAgua blogger Jorge Rodríguez Chueca commented in his latest post: imagine a quarantine in a place of the world without quality drinking water and sanitation services. This will happen in many places across the globe, so being grateful is a must in the current scenario.
Finally, we invite to share your ideas, thoughts and experiences on this situation through Smart Water Magazine's blog section, as Laura F. Zarza or myself, Águeda García de Durango, have done.
Our intention is, more than ever, to be close to and help the waterpeople.