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Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) for efficient water management

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Neil Bosworth
Head of Vertical Segment Manager IoT Products, Telit Cinterion

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  • Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) for efficient water management

As the global population continues to grow and urbanize, water scarcity and outdated water management systems pose significant challenges to water management operators. However, thanks to the marvels of modern technology, a trailblazing solution has emerged: Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled smart water management. By harnessing the power of compact, battery-efficient IoT sensors and devices, operators can revolutionize their approach to water management, optimizing usage and reducing waste altogether.

Water management systems have historically relied on conventional methods which fall short when it comes to providing real-time insights and predictive capabilities. But with the rise of IoT, water operators now enjoy access to a veritable cornucopia of data collected from sensors and devices deployed across their infrastructure, signalling the dawn of a new era in water management.

Consider the case of WaterSignal, a pioneering water conservation company in the state of Georgia that is utilizing IoT technology to monitor water usage and detect leaks in real-time. By deploying IoT sensors and devices in various locations such as cooling towers, residential areas and commercial buildings, WaterSignal gathers invaluable data on water flow, quality and other critical parameters. This data is transmitted wirelessly to a central system, where it is then aggregated and analysed.

By examining data from multiple sources, water management operators gain a comprehensive view of their infrastructure. WaterSignal's customized dashboard, for instance, enables users to compare the make-up water that enters cooling towers with the blow-down water that returns to sewers — aggregated data that delivers insights into water consumption patterns, identifies areas of high usage and allows for the swift detection leaks, inefficient distribution and other abnormalities. With these data-driven insights in their toolbelts, operators can adopt proactive strategies that optimize water usage and minimize waste.

IoT devices used in water management systems must be compact and battery-efficient to ensure seamless data collection and analysis

The utilization of IoT sensors and devices also facilitates predictive analytics. That is, by analysing historical data and adding advanced machine-learning algorithms to the mix, operators can identify patterns and trends that serve as early indicators of potential system failures or leaks. For example, WaterSignal's real-time analytics and leak detection system equips operational teams with instrumental insights and metrics to optimize water usage and mitigate loss. Operators taking preemptive action based on these predictions can reduce both economic and environmental impacts of water management challenges.

IoT devices used in water management systems must be compact and battery-efficient to ensure seamless data collection and analysis. WaterSignal's non-invasive solution is just that, able to be effortlessly attached to existing water meters, which eliminates the need for expensive and disruptive installations. Powered by long-lasting batteries and communicating via LPWA cellular technology, these tiny devices permit continuous and reliable monitoring and data transmission, even in hard-to-reach locations or areas without Wi-Fi connectivity.

WaterSignal vividly demonstrates the extraordinary potential of IoT-enabled smart water management systems. Aggregating data from IoT sensors and devices, operators can optimize water usage, reduce losses and enhance overall system efficiency. The predictive analytics derived from historical data embolden operators to take preemptive action, reducing risks and ensuring effective water resource management.

As water scarcity escalates and urbanization continues, it is imperative that IoT-enabled water management solutions gain more widespread adoption, especially if the end goal is a sustainable and resilient future. By leveraging the power of IoT, water management operators can complete the transition into an era of informed decision-making, ensuring efficient water usage and safeguarding the resource for generations to come.

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