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Bill requiring robust study of microplastics in drinking water passes Assembly Health Committee

  • Bill requiring robust study of microplastics in drinking water passes Assembly Health Committee

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California's legislative body has taken a significant step towards addressing the health risks associated with microplastics in drinking water, following the Assembly Health Committee's approval of a new bill.

Introduced by State Senator Anthony J. Portantino, representing Pasadena, the bill mandates the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to scrutinize microplastics in both tap and bottled water, while setting rigorous testing protocols.

Additionally, the proposed law compels bottled water producers to report annually on the microplastic levels in their products.

This legislation is a continuation of Portantino's commitment to environmental health, building on his previous initiatives such as the 2018 California Safe Drinking Water Act and legislation addressing microplastic pollution in marine environments.

The bill has garnered support from influential groups like California Environmental Voters and Californians Against Waste.

Falling under the purview of the Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law, which oversees the production and quality of food, drugs, and cosmetics, the new legislation would establish a primary drinking water standard for microplastics in bottled water. The law already sets quality and labeling standards and restricts contaminant levels in these products.

Moreover, the bill would necessitate an annual disclosure of microplastic concentrations in the source water used for bottling, ensuring continued oversight and public awareness.

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