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Hugo Contreras joins as Infrastructure Lead for Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Hugo Contreras joins as Infrastructure Lead for Latin America and the Caribbean

About the entity

Hugo Alberto Contreras Zepeda joins as Infrastructure Lead for Latin America and the Caribbean. This is a joint initiative between and WaterEquity to trigger investments in water and sanitation infrastructure in collaboration with the private sector, and that mainly has an impact on accelerating access to quality water and sanitation for the most disadvantaged families.

In this new phase, Hugo Contreras' role will be to identify projects, work with promoters to make them technically and financially feasible and use WaterEquity's Impact Investment Fund to attract financing. Our differentiator is the technical assistance leverage we provide to structure projects, a robust impact measurement and reporting framework and the network of partners we bring in. "I am very excited about the opportunity to capitalise on more than 20 years of experience in the water sector in the Region and connect leading water project developers with the needs of families who do not yet have access to quality water and sanitation services by finding climate-resilient solutions that are financially sustainable," he said.

Hugo Contreras is a senior executive with over twenty years of experience building successful partnerships, supporting change and driving innovation in the field of sustainability and governance. He has experience as a CEO on boards of multinational companies, global NGOs and governments, as well as multicultural experience in developing and developed regions and a track record of working with IFIs, international agencies, the public and private sectors and communities. He also has a strong academic background in development and management issues.

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