Kurita Water Industries announced that a meeting of its Board of Directors on Tuesday resolved to promote Michiya Kadota, currently President and Representative Director, as Chairman and Representative Director. Furthermore, the firm named Hirohiko Ejiri, now Executive Senior Managing Director and Representative Director Executive General Manager of Japan Sales Business Division and Chief Business Officer for Chemical Operation as the new President and Representative Director. The appointments are effective as of April 1, 2023.
Hirohiko Ejiri joined Kurita Water Industries in April 1985 and was appointed as President of Kurita Europe GmbH in April 2005. During the past three years, Ejiri has served as Executive General Manager of Engineering Division and Chief Business Officer for Facilities business for one year, then was promoted to Executive Senior Managing Director and Representative Director of the Company and Executive General Manager of Japan Sales Business Division and Chief Business Officer for Chemical Operation.
According to the statement released by the company, the Kurita Group will begin to execute a new five-year medium-term management plan in April this year. The business will change its management to accelerate the expansion of its "service business," which contributes to solving social issues and the creation of new businesses based on the global business foundation that the Group has established.