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IWMI unveils new strategy to foster collective action for water security

  • IWMI unveils new strategy to foster collective action for water security

About the entity

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) has unveiled its ambitious new strategy for 2024–2030, marking a pivotal step in addressing global water security challenges. This strategic framework focuses on three critical areas: mitigating water risks, overcoming global inequalities, and managing water sustainably. With the motto “Driving Action. Propelling Change,” IWMI aims to harness the power of collective action to implement adaptive, robust solutions with lasting impacts.

Key focus areas

Mitigating Water Risks:

  • Enhancing drought and flood forecasting systems.
  • Developing low-emission, climate-adaptive water management solutions.
  • Scaling solutions for reducing water pollution and promoting wastewater reuse.
  • Building resilience in communities affected by fragility, conflict, and migration.

Overcoming Global Inequalities:

  • Promoting equal access to water resources for marginalized groups.
  • Enhancing livelihoods and food security for women, youth, and poor communities.
  • Integrating diverse knowledge systems in water management decision-making.
  • Strengthening youth leadership in water security initiatives.

Managing Water Sustainably:

  • Empowering small-scale farmers with innovative irrigation solutions.
  • Promoting circular economy approaches to water management.
  • Restoring ecosystems and integrating nature-based solutions for water management.
  • Developing adaptive frameworks for water allocation and infrastructure decisions.

Strategic innovations

IWMI’s strategy integrates cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle complex water issues. The strategy emphasizes:

  • Water Data Science: Leveraging AI and remote sensing technologies to close data gaps and enhance decision-making.
  • Water Governance: Promoting inclusive and cooperative governance models at local, national, and transboundary levels.
  • Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion: Identifying and addressing root causes of exclusion, fostering inclusive policies and practices.
  • Scaling, Finance, and Investment: Creating pipelines for innovation, fostering partnerships, and enhancing financing mechanisms for water security projects.

Commitment to sustainable development

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6, IWMI’s strategy seeks to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The institute’s approach is designed to address pressing challenges such as climate change, population growth, and urbanization, which are exacerbating water insecurity globally.

A call for collective action

Mark Smith, Director General of IWMI, emphasized the importance of collective action, stating, "Our strategy is built on the understanding that solutions to water security challenges require collaboration across sectors and scales. We invite governments, NGOs, the private sector, and communities to join us in this mission."

Simi Kamal, Chair of the IWMI Board of Governors, echoed this sentiment, highlighting IWMI’s role in bridging science, policy, and action. “We are committed to pushing the boundaries of excellence in research-for-development and raising ambition for collective action on water security,” she said.

Looking ahead

As IWMI celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024, the institute is poised to make significant contributions to global water security. The 2024–2030 strategy is not just a roadmap but a call to action for all stakeholders to work together towards a water-secure world.

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